the blog of DC Drinking Liberally
Via dcist we learn that free wifi is coming to Old Town:
The one-year pilot program provides outdoor wireless service in an eight-block zone stretching from Washington Street to the Potomac River along King Street — the Old Town main drag that attracts tourists and residents with its shops and restaurants.
If you’ve got a bike, I’ll add that the Mount Vernon trail takes you from downtown DC to Old Town along the Potomac in what can only be called a classic piece of Americana.
On day 2 of the Republicans are white Christians controversy, the allegedly progressive Washington Post has this story on Dean. A choice excerpt:
The press chorus then devolved into a cacophony of competing screams. (And Dean knows screams!) After several seconds, a booming voice cut through the noise. It belonged to Brian Wilson, a Fox News correspondent who was standing in the middle of the crowd. He asked Dean “if people are focused on the other things that you’ve said about hating Republicans, about Republicans being dishonest and then this latest comment about the Republican Party is full of white Christians. You say you hate Republicans — does that mean you also'’ hate white Christians?
It’s not exactly that this is a non-story. The story is that partisan hack pseudo-news outfits like Fox are able to keep stories like this alive. But they have to put serious torque on his remarks (e.g., the do you hate Christians bit) to keep it in the news cycle this long.
For the record, I’m no Deaniac. But you don’t have to be a true believer to appreciate that Dean brought the discussion of Iraq into the last election, when the other candidates were tentative at best. My impression is that Dems have erred on the side of caution too long, and that while I might have preferred that Dean had something like: “The president is being too strongly influenced by far right religious groups,” I also appreciate Dean’s candor.
Now move along. There’s real news going down.
This post marks the official launch of, the blog of the DC chapter of Drinking Liberally. Who knows where the future leads, but I’m sure the evolution of the site will be interesting. We’ll have announcements of upcoming DL events, observations from DL members about political developments, and the occasional open thread for you to talk about whatever’s on your mind.
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