As was expected, a huge turnout for Zack Exley. Interesting, impressive guy, as was Luke Bruce. A couple of key points that I came away with in the discussion of the Kerry campaign versus the Tony Blair campaign:
- The Labour Party in the UK takes the view that you identify the core principles and policies of the party, and then fight like hell in the election process. That included dropping some issues Zach called “Trotskyist”, but overall it sounded like they were less accommodating then the Democratic Party in the US.
- It sounded like in the Blair campaign, work got done at the end of the day. Not so much in the Kerry campaign.
- The Labour Party had studied what Clinton had done in 1992 with a rapid response team. Labour used this effectively during several attempted Tory smears.
Does the DNC have a rapid response team? I’m guessing not. It’s hard to imagine anything more rapid than the criticisms of Dean by other Dems.
If anything, I’d say we’ve got a rapid circular firing squad.