the blog of DC Drinking Liberally

June 27, 2005

Rally Anyone?


I got out to the DC for Democracy barbecue yesterday. Great group, and my crystal ball sees a joint event with Drinking Liberally sometime in the not-too-distant future.

One of the speakers mentioned a rally this Friday, July 1, that I’d like to draw attention to. From the DC for Democracy site:

On July 1st, 300 parliamentarians from the 55 member Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will meet at the Marriott in Washington. We had been assured that they would consider DC’s lack of equal voting rights and pass a resolution deploring it. Some delegates, however, have asked whether DC residents really care about voting rights, for they’ve not seen people in the streets.

We’re going to join our DC voting rights colleagues and rally at the OSCE meeting site to convince them that we do care. And that’s how you can help, by appearing at one of two demonstrations at the Marriott on 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW on Friday, July 1. One at 7:30-9:00AM is on the 14th Street side at Pennsylvania; the second at 12:00-1:00PM is in Freedom Park on Pennsylvania at 14th. Take your lunch break for democracy!

I’m so there. And you know, the fact that we have no representation really is deplorable. Why aren’t we marching in the streets?

June 19, 2005

Pub Crawl Success


A good time was had by all at last night’s pub crawl. If you missed it, there’ll be another in a month or so. We’re thinking about having one in Virginia, possibly in the Courthouse/Clarendon area or in Old Town. Post your suggestions for pub crawl locations in the comments.

June 17, 2005

Suggestions for DCDL Advertising?


We are looking for some cheap ways (blog ads, the city paper) to advertise DCDL events. If you have some suggestions please put them in the comments section below.

DCDL Pub Crawl Tomorrow Night in Adam’s Morgan


Thanks to everyone who came out last night for DCDL at Mark and Orlando’s. We had a great crowd!

Please come out for the DCDL pub crawl tomorrow night in Adam’s Morgan.

6:30-8PM We gather at Kokopoolies 2305 18th St. NW
Metro: Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan (Red Line)

8PM until close the Reef-2446 18th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009
Phone: 202-518-3800 Metro: Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan (Red Line)

Keep an eye out for DL members wearing “I Only Drink Liberally” buttons (available for $2-3 donation from D-Lib Keith)

June 16, 2005

The Obvious vs. The Oblivious


Each week Drinking Liberally produces some great poems:

The Senate takes the obvious step
and tries to condemn lynching –
there are oblivious GOPpers who still say No.

A Dem & GOPper point out the obvious:
our policy in North Korea isn’t working
– and oblivious W. refuses to listen.

Terri Schiavo’s autopsy finds there had been
severe, irreparable brain damage — “Dr.” Frist
still claims she had no right to die with dignity.

And Dean says DeLay should go to jail,
…& the Republicans keep him as their leader.

By now we’re used to the tenor of the news:
the battle between the Obvious vs. the Oblivious

Obviously, it’s time to escape the oblivious
and join like-minded left-leaners
at our weekly Democratic drinking club.

June 15, 2005

DCDL at Mark and Orlando’s Thursday Night


Don’t forget tomorrow night we are at a NEW location Mark and Orlando’s, 2020 P Street NW (Red Line-Dupont Circle). The heat wave is supposed to break and the weather will be beautiful. Please stop by and help us get a great turn out. See you Thursday night 6:30-8:30!

Link to Map

June 12, 2005

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If so please visit Txtmob and set up a user name and password. Once you have registered join the group DCDL.


DCDL is a blog by Washington, DC-area members of Drinking Liberally. Opinions expressed are the writers’, not those of Drinking Liberally, which provides no funding or other support for this blog.

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