the blog of DC Drinking Liberally

June 13, 2005

How Do You Like the Site?


Well, Cory has officially announced the site on the e-mail list (be sure to subscribe if you haven’t), and I see from the logs that a few people have been visiting as a result. We’ve also had a few visitors coming from Technorati, and one person in France who searched Google for “dcdl” (I don’t know what they were looking for, but somehow I doubt we were it, although we have rocketed into the #1 position for that search, beating out all the pages about Digital Control Design Language). But no one’s made any comments, and the three of us are getting tired of talking to each other, so I thought I’d make a post specifically asking people for comments.

The site has come together pretty well, I think, but it still has plenty of evolving to do. What features and what sorts of posts would you like to see on the site? Does everything look okay on your combination of browser, platform, and settings? Do you think we need a header graphic, and are you volunteering to make one? Have you been coming to the weekly meetings, or is something keeping you away (like the fact that you live in Centreville or France), or have you only just now stumbled upon DCDL?

If you don’t feel like answering those questions, just leave a comment to say hi. And if you need to send me e-mail, use the address you’d expect (my name at the domain).


  1. The site looks great. As for content, the only thing I might add is a tad more “local” content. As for the blogroll, you might want to add some more left-leaning sites like Americablog (and maybe some more “fun” sites like Bartcop and, my favorite, World o’ Crap) to balance out TPM… are there any good DC blogs (besides Americablog) you could highlight?

    The only thing that’s been keeping me away from the meetings is laziness and general lack of sociability. Plus, getting to RFD (from S. Arlington) seems so much easier than Dupont…at any rate, the pub crawl this weekend sounds promising.

    —Jill • 2:39 pm

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