the blog of DC Drinking Liberally

August 15, 2005

More on the Freedom Walk


Over the past week, I’ve slowly been building a circumstantial case that a propaganda shop may have been set up at the Pentagon. In this vein I wanted to mention one or two thoughts concerning the “America Supports You Freedom Walk” scheduled for Sunday, Sept 11.

First, on a lighter note, I was going through this article when the following paragraph leapt out at me from the page: (DefenseLINK News)

To avoid long lines, America Supports You Freedom Walk participants are encouraged to arrive at the Pentagon South parking lot between 7 and 8 a.m. According to the Freedom Walk Web site, the first 1,000 people to arrive will receive an official America Supports You campaign lapel pin.

Far out! Between the America Supports You campaign lapel pin, and my Whip Inflation Now button, I’ll be the envy of the entire lefty blogosphere.

On a more serious note, this:

The goal for next year’s walk is to get each state to host its own Freedom Walk to provide an opportunity for as many citizens as possible to reflect on the importance of freedom, according to a DoD press release.

It struck me that the point of the Freedom Walk was based on the following tautology: What do Americans love? Why, freedom. And what do terrorists hate? Freedom. Specifically, our freedom. Why did we invade Iraq? To free them. Thus, by freeing Iraq (by invading them) we were fighting terrorism.

It also struck me that the group organizing the Freedom Walk is called America Supports You. Why wasn’t it called America Supports the Troops, if that’s in fact the message of this group? I ask noting that the You is ambiguous in this phrase. You could also mean President Bush. It could also mean Bush’s base. In full: America Supports You, both those who defend our nation, and you who support our Commander-in-Chief.

It also occurred to me that, given our recent casualty rate, by the November 2006 elections, as many Americans will have been killed in Iraq as were killed on September 11. I doubt somehow that this math has escaped Dick Cheney, Karen Hughes or Karl Rove, either.


  1. Even if you’re not an early bird, you apparently get a T-shirt:

    The first 1,000 persons to arrive at the Pentagon will receive an “America Supports You” lapel pin, and all participants will receive a free T-shirt.

    As far as I can tell, the Freedom Walk site itself doesn’t explain why it’s asking for your shirt size.

    Keith7:25 pm

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