the blog of DC Drinking Liberally
A fun-filled Friday afternoon time-waster, brought to you by your friends at Drinking Liberally.
Unless you’ve spent the last few days in your Montana cabin writing your manifesto, you’ve probably heard that the Google China site censors out internet sites featuring dissent, freedom of speech, and anything to do with the Tiananmen Square massacre.
After a few searches, I tried this one. Hmmm. What are the Chinese censors afraid of?
You can play, too! Go to the Chinese Google sight, and see if you can trip up Dear Leader’s henchmen.
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46 queries. 0.408 seconds
Hmm. This one looks okay. Not sure what the radio buttons are, but it looks like your “drinking liberally” search might be looking for just pages in China. I don’t think the authorities are on to us yet.
—Keith • 9:07 pm, January 28
Interesting. If you had done that search on Friday, you would have come up with 4 hits, none of which had anything to do with Drinking Liberally.
Likewise, if you had done a search for “tiananmen square”, you would have come up with some interesting historical data, none of which mentioned the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Now there’s some hits that acknowledge that it happened, though it’s pretty different from the regular Google site.
The point of the post was to have some fun at the expense of Google’s agreement with China. For those that didn’t see the story, Google has agreed to create a special site that censors out terms objectionable to the Chinese government.
Still, I’m pretty sure you can come up with some creative searches that, as Rachel Maddow might put, will poke a sharp stick into the soft underbelly of the repressive scheme machine.
—AltHippo • 2:41 am, January 29
Yes, your link still gives the four results, apparently because of the “meta=cr=countryCN” in the URL, which must correspond to the fourth radio button under the search field (which is selected in your search but not mine). Maybe on Friday the form was defaulting to only (what it thought were) Chinese sites, possibly even setting that with a hidden field rather than having the radio buttons.
—Keith • 10:05 pm, January 29